Professionals Perspectives In Deathcare with Joèl Simone Anthony aka The Grave Woman

Professionals Perspectives In Deathcare with Joèl Simone Anthony aka The Grave Woman

The Spirit Vessel Professionals Perspectives in Deathcare series aims to help bring awareness, acceptance, and normalization to death and the grieving process. Throughout this series, we interview professionals of all types in the deathcare and emotional wellness space including hospice nurses, grief counselors and coaches, death doulas, funeral directors, life insurance agents, celebrants, alternative disposition advocates, and social workers just to name a few. 


In this interview we speak with Joèl Simone Anthony, also known as, The Grave Woman, who is a licensed funeral director, sacred grief practitioner, and life insurance agent.


Joel has served in the funeral service industry for over a decade and specializes in helping guide individuals, families, businesses and governmental agencies to navigate uncomfortable and difficult conversations about death, dying, end of life, and funeral and burial planning. Joel is the author of a number of educational courses on the topics of grief and death care, which can be found on her website.

In this conversation we discuss:

  • The impact that family influence, morbid curiosity, and culture has had in guiding Joèl’s work.
  • The universal ways in which we celebrate the life of the deceased.
  • The role of personalized grief ceremonies and rituals in helping individuals cope, and move forward through their experience with death.
  • The importance of helping individuals create safe spaces for their grief journey.
  • What is inspiring Joèl in her work right now!




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